Easier said than done. This election season, you will
see many Christians from both the right and left use religious faith and
conviction to push you toward a particular candidate, a particular political
party, a particular platform. Don’t fall for it. You’re smarter
than that, and as a follower of Jesus, you’re called to something better.
You are a member of the body of Christ – that means your
ultimate allegiance, hope, and identity rest in Christ. The Scriptures
tell us that kings and kingdoms (powers, principalities, nations, rulers,
politicians, and parties, if you will) will all pass away, but the name of the
Lord endures forever. No nation, candidate, form of government, or
political party is the hope of the world – that position is already taken by
Jesus. And as a member of his body, you are already joined together as
One – whether you want to admit it or not – with all other members of the body,
even if they live in a different place, even if they voted for the other guy.
This election season, I encourage you to get involved.
Study the issues. Get to know the candidates and what they stand
for. Vote your choice freely and with a clear conscience. But on
November 6 and after, regardless of the result, know that Jesus is still Lord,
and you are still joined with others in the body whose preferences may be
different than your own. Nevertheless, they are not your enemy.
They are your brother or sister in Christ.
The world will know that we are Christians by our love, not
by our voting record.
On election day, many Christians around the country are
joining together to show their unity in Christ trumps their political
preferences. Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives,
Protestant mainliners and Evangelicals, will come together, shed their
difference of opinion, and participate in Election Day Communion, remembering
that their first allegiance is to Christ and the other members of Christ’s
body. I find this to be a beautiful expression of the body of Christ
coming together to celebrate who we are and WHOSE we are.
Locally, Election Day Communion will be celebrated at
Renovatus Church in Charlotte and Covenant United Methodist Church in Gastonia
(where my good friend, Paul Brown is the pastor). If you would like to
participate in Election Day Communion, contact either congregation to find out
the details of the event.
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